Roasted Red Pepper and Goat Cheese Wraps


This is one of the hors d'oeuvre (it's taken me 13 years to learn how to spell that) that I took to a little family gathering the other night.  They're so simple to assemble and so good and such a perfect little one-bite morsel for an appetizer.  I absolutely adore the combination of roasted red peppers and goat cheese, and then with that little bite of fresh basil, well, they're just heavenly. 

The key to making these really extra yummy is to to make sure your wrap is very fresh.  I used super fresh flour tortillas this time, but in the past I've used lavosh too.  But there are so many great wrap products out there...choose your favorite, but maybe avoid the flavored ones.  These are very delicate flavors here that you don't want to muddy up.

One last note:  Trader Joes sells a soft, spreadable goat cheese that is just perfect for this application.  There are probably other products like that out there too, but I just had regular chevre goat cheese so I mixed in a little cream cheese and it worked perfectly.

The other variation that I did (but didn't photograph) was to spread the tortilla with the goat cheese and then spread basil pesto (very thinly) over that and top with roasted shrimp, then wrap and serve.  As you can imagine, there are endless possibilities for wrap fillings.

No recipe really needed here...just place one flour tortilla (or lavosh) on your work surface.  Spread with goat cheese.  Place roasted red peppers over the goat cheese and then top with several fresh basil leaves.  Starting at the end nearest you, roll as tightly as possible and then wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate.  About an hour before serving, cut this into 3/4" slices and place on your serving platter.  They look as pretty as they are good!